Saturday 7 June 2014

The Background

I'd been watching Simon Reeve's series 'Pilgrimage' with great enjoyment, musing about how so many young presenters take themselves off to interesting, and often exotic, locations to make television programmes. Simon Reeve came to the end of the last programme, looked directly at the camera, and said with such enthusiasm and conviction,
"Go on a pilgrimage!"

I responded with equal enthusiasm, leaping up from the chair, shouting,
"Yes! Great idea!"
And really meant it.

As often with enthusiasm and good ideas, this faded into the background, pushed out of sight by the concerns of everyday living...until the following appeared:

St. Peter's Church, Wellesbourne.
New heating system urgently required!
How can you help?

I thought about what I could do: I make 'quality' cakes - but it's best not to enquire too closely about the quality! Scones ditto - although they might make good missiles for a coconut shy. I'd cleared out the loft last winter and the contents amounted to a box of photographs (kept for sentimental reasons), a couple of threadbare rugs (destined to cover the new compost bin), and a collection of items which even the most imaginative of minds would categorise as junk (destined for the tip).

Getting nowhere I considered what I liked doing: eating, sleeping, reading. A sponsored read perhaps? It seemed a little too sedentary. In spite of appreciating a doze in the afternoon, I like to be active. What I really enjoy is walking...

...and that's when my response to Simon Reeve's words came back to me. I remembered him walking along the Pilgrims' Way; Winchester to Canterbury. I could do that.

I could do it as a sponsored walk!